HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

10th Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference

March 10-12, 2025

March 10 -12, 2025 | Rome, Italy
World Nano 2025

Theoretical insights into the energy levels of quantum dots

Ang Yang Yu, Speaker at Nanotechnology Conferences
Henan University, China
Title : Theoretical insights into the energy levels of quantum dots


Quantum dots (QDs) are fundamental luminescent materials with wide applicationsinbiotechnology, sensing, medical diagnostics and electronics. The luminescent QDs,including CoS and FeS QDs with emission tunable in a broad range, have beenobtainedinexperiments recently. In my own work, energy levels of the QDs withdifferentcompositions, sizes and shapes were investigated by employing an eight-bandk·ptheory.Itis known that determination of the HOMO and LUMO levels of the QDs isofgreattechnical and fundamental importance in rational design of the devices withtheQDsasbuilding blocks. Thus, HOMO and LUMO levels of the quantumdots havealsobeendetermined based on the eight-band k·p model. In addition, the lifetime of resonant stateofQDs is related to the energy width of the resonant level due to the uncertaintyprinciple.Therefore, the lifetime of resonant state is calculated in order to estimatethelimitofoperation speed in resonant tunneling systems. Theoretical calculations are believedtobehelpful for designing optimal resonant-tunneling devices in the near future.
