Title : Estimation of Discharge Arc Current Density in the Technology of Obtaining Ceramic Nanocoatings With Activation of Metal Vapor During Electron-Beam Evaporation
The High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Guns (HVGDEG) are widely used in industry for obtaining the coating from chemically-complex ceramics, including advanced nanocoatings [1, 2]. The main advantages of applying such type of electron guns for providing Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) of thin films from complex compound is the simplicity of gun construction and evacuation equipment, as well as operation of HVGDEGs in the soft vacuum with the possibility of using different gases, including noble and active ones [1 – 4]. The operation pressure of HVGDEGs is usually in range of 1 – 10 Pa, but it also strongly depended on the using operation gas [3, 4]. If maintaining of the chemical reaction between the evaporated metal and residual gas in the soft vacuum without additional activation is impossible, the nonsimultaneousarc discharge with the cooled ring electrode, located under the crucible, can be used for providing the activation of such reaction [3]. Corresponded electrodes’ scheme of the equipment for arc discharge lighting is presentedat Fig. 1 [3].
For providing the estimation of the level of activation of evaporated material andprobability of its chemical reaction with the residual gas in such conditions, the pervious estimations of the electric parameters of arc lighting is necessary.Therefore, obtaining of analytical relations for such estimations is the subject of this report.