HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

10th Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference

March 10-12, 2025

March 10 -12, 2025 | Rome, Italy
World Nano 2024

Non-destructive evaluation technique for assessing nanoparticle dispersion in composite materials

Antonio Pantano, Speaker at Nanotechnology Conferences
University of Palermo, Italy
Title : Non-destructive evaluation technique for assessing nanoparticle dispersion in composite materials


Extensive production of polymer composites reinforced by nanoparticles is hindered by the lack of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods capable of ensuring product quality and compliance with specifications. It is widely recognized that the dispersion level of nanoparticles in the polymer matrix significantly influences their enhancement capabilities more than any other parameter. In this study, an active infrared thermography NDT (IR-NDT) inspection, combined with pulsed phase thermography (PPT), was applied for the first time to nanocomposites to assess the dispersion level of nanoparticles. The PPT approach was tested on various nanocomposite samples with different levels of nanoparticle dispersion, including a nanocomposite with a very low nanofiller concentration (less than 0.05% by weight). The phasegrams obtained with this technique clearly reveal clusters or bundles of nanoparticles when present. Consequently, this new NDE approach can be employed to verify that the expected dispersion levels are maintained during the production process. The study also identifies the mechanisms underlying the effects of nanoparticle dispersion on the thermal response of polymer composites.

Funding: MUR, PNRR-M4C2, ECS_00000022
Acknowledgement: Progetto: SiciliAn MicronanOTecH Research And Innovation CEnter "SAMOTHRACE" (MUR, PNRR-M4C2, ECS_00000022), spoke 3- Università degli Studi di Palermo "S2-COMMs - Micro and Nanotechnologies for Smart & Sustainable Communities

Audience Take Away:

  • Participants will be introduced to an innovative non-destructive evaluation technique for assessing nanoparticle dispersion in composite materials
  • People from industry may be very interested in a non-destructive evaluation method capable of ensuring product quality and compliance with specifications
  • This research may be useful to other faculty to expand their research or teaching on non-destructive evaluation of nano composites


Antonio Pantano is full professor at the Engineering Department of the University of Palermo (Italy). He earned is M.S. (1999) and Ph.D. (2002) in Engineering Mechanics from Michigan State University. From 2002 to 2004 he was Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working on carbon nanotube enabled materials. In 2004 he moved to the Department of Mechanics, University of Palermo, where he was professor “Rientro dei Cervelli”, a position for outstanding scientist. From 2007 he is professor, first associate and later full, at the University of Palermo. He has published 9 books and more than 100 research articles.
