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11th Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference

March 05-07, 2026

March 05 -07, 2026 | Singapore
World Nano 2025

Novel concepts in ultrasensitive detection of emerging water contaminats for in-field, real-time, drinking water quality monitoring with chemical nanocomposite biosensors

George R Ivanov  , Speaker at Nanoscience Conferences
University of NanoLab, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria
Title : Novel concepts in ultrasensitive detection of emerging water contaminats for in-field, real-time, drinking water quality monitoring with chemical nanocomposite biosensors


Recently we combined ultra-sensitive gravimetric transduction by a 434 MHz two-port SAW resonator and gold electrodes with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) on the same device, utilizing the strong enhancing effect of the interdigitated microelectrodes of the SAW device. The emerging contaminant PFOS –“forever chemical” because of the very strong C-F bonds, among the most dangerous compound (USA EPA norms) of the 20 PFAS contaminants that have to be monitored following the latest (2020) EU directive on water intended for human consumption. It was very selectively captured and measured almost in real-time by a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayer from a mixture of the Metal-Organic (MOF) MIL-101(Cr) and different lipids and phospholipids [1]. This concept, but this time only AA or DPPENBD LB monolayers was tested for nonselective Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) measurements in the gas phase [2]. The huge sensitivity, not fully disclosed yet (patents pending) is due not only to the new concepts in signal transduction (see Figure right), but also to the novel effects discovered over the last 38 years of the very special DPPE-NBD fluorescently head labeled phospholipid, which closely mimics the biomembrane lipid “sea” in which protein or other molecules are floating (see Figure left) [3, 4]. All the transduction electronics are palm-handsized and can be powered by a GPS tracker with satellite communication for planting the sensor before and after the city's water purification systems.


Prof. Dr. Eng. George R. Ivanov is currently the best-funded scientist from the Bulgarian NSF Prof. Dr. Eng. George R. Ivanov has an M.Sc. in engineering physics (1987) from the Faculty of Physics of the #1 Uni in Bulgaria – Sofia University. Deputy-Rector for Science was his head – TCSPC fluorescence in the IR sub-nanosecond kinetic measurements of AIIIBV semiconductors; PhD from the Institute of Solid State Physics – Bulg. Acad. Sci. – LB films instrumentation and DPPE-NBD structure and applications (2003) with consultant the youngest 

Academician Prof. D.Sc. Alexander G. Petrov. He registered his first company Advanced Technologies Ltd. in 1994 and sold an LB system in the Lab of our recent Prime Minister Acad. N. Denkov in 1995, then penetrated with his LB systems and patch-clamp amplifiers the Japanese (Distributor – Seiko Instruments), Korean, and Italian markets since 1996-97. In 2009 he moved to his current second-oldest and #1-rated technical university in Bulgaria (UACEG). Founder and Head of the University (reporting directly to the Rector) Nano Lab since 2016. Owner (70%), CEO, and CTO of NanoBioSence Ltd. with 4 other top professors in BG, and Nanonics Ltd. Currently has the best-equipped LB technological and Research Lab in the world, which is further upgraded with an epifluorescence wide-field Zeiss microscope, equipped with an Andor sensitive camera with super-resolution capabilities and PicoQuant TCSPC Fluorescence Kinetics channel – first and only in the world.
