Dr. Igor V. Reshetov studied medicine at the N.I.Pirogov Moscow Medical University University, USSR in 1987 and graduated as PhD in 1992. He then to the continued research in P.A.Herzen Cancer Research Institute, Moscow. After in same institute he defensed dissertation Doctor of Medicine in 1998 about microsurgical reconstruction organs and tissues in oncology , since 2014 he relocated in Sechenov University, Moscow and in 2019 till now has position Director Institute cluster oncology. As a opinion lieder in field interdisciplinary access to treatment and rehabilitation in oncology associated in Russian Academy of Science in 2004 and in 2016 has full member of RAS . He has published more than 100 research articles in SCI(E) journals.) Index Hi 26.
Title : Photodynamic inactivation of antibiotic-resistant microflora using photosensitizer nanoforms
Title : Functional surface films for individual reconstructive implant in maxillofacial surgery