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11th Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference

March 05-07, 2026

March 05 -07, 2026 | Singapore
World Nano 2022

Harvesting electricity using nanostructures

Gunadhor S Okram, Speaker at Nanomaterials Conference
UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, India
Title : Harvesting electricity using nanostructures


Enabling efficient thermoelectric materials with high thermoelectric figure of merit ZT = (S2σ/κ)T is the key to thermoelectrics research today, where S is the thermo-electric voltage, σ is the electrical conductivity, κ the thermal conductivity and T the temperature. Thermoelectricity is among the cleanest form of energy making it among the most preferred one. It can be obtained in general from waste heat or temperature gradient. Recent several reports prove that it is possible using nanostructured thermoelectric materials. These aspects shall be discussed in the context of our recent findings.

Audience take-away:

  • In this talk, the audience will learn how much progress has been made in the last about three decades.
  • The audience will learn how this progress in this research has been proliferating due to the use of the theoretical concept of low dimensions or nanostructures, in general.
  • This research may help other faculty to expand their research or teaching and wellbeing of the society against the global warming.
  • This provides a way out for a practical solution to a problem that could simplify or make a designer’s job more efficient.
  • It may improve the accuracy of a design, or provide new information to assist in a design problem of a better futuristic thermoelectric material.


Dr. G. S. Okram did his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (1995), India. He worked at number of research institutes including National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan (1996-98) before joining the present institute in 2001. He is now Scientist G, and has guided 4 PhD, 6 MPhil, 4 M Tech, 54 MSc and 5 BSc project students, delivered over 89 invited lectures at different national and international conferences, reviewed several journal papers, published over 155 peer-reviewed journal papers and 116 conference proceeding presentations with 2306 times citations with main interest in nanoscale materials.
