HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

10th Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference

March 10-12, 2025

March 10 -12, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Nanoscience and Technology

Nanoscience and Technology

Nanoscience and technology are a discipline of science that explores and tries to manipulate matter at the atomic, molecular, and supramolecular levels (the nanometer scale). Quantum mechanical and surface boundary effects become relevant at such length scales, giving features on materials that aren't visible at larger, macroscopic length scales. Nanoscale science and technology, sometimes known as "nanoscience" or "nanotechnology" is a branch of science and engineering that is enabled by our relatively new capability to alter and analyze matter at the level of single atoms and small groups of atoms. Many breakthroughs in the last two decades of the twentieth century contributed to this possibility, including scientific instrument inventions such as the scanning tunneling microscope. Scientists and engineers have started regulating the structure and properties of materials and systems on a scale of 109 meters, or 1/100,000 the width of a human hair, using such technologies.

  • Sustainability Nanotechnology
  • Drug Delivery and Nano Particles
  • Molecular Nanotechnology
  • Bionanoscience
  • Lipid Nanoparticles
  • Nanofliuidics and Nanoionics
  • Nanobiopharmaceutics
Committee Members
Speaker at World Nanotechnology Conference 2025 - Harry E Ruda

Harry E Ruda

University of Toronto, Canada
Speaker at World Nanotechnology Conference 2025 - Raman Singh

Raman Singh

Monash University, Australia
Speaker at World Nanotechnology Conference 2025 - Paulo Cesar De Morais

Paulo Cesar De Morais

Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
World Nano 2025 Speakers
Speaker at World Nanotechnology Conference 2025 - Ribal Georges Sabat

Ribal Georges Sabat

Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
Speaker at World Nanotechnology Conference 2025 - Bruno Ribeiro

Bruno Ribeiro

IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain
Speaker at World Nanotechnology Conference 2025 - Antonio Pantano

Antonio Pantano

University of Palermo, Italy
Speaker at World Nanotechnology Conference 2025 - Elizaveta Bogacheva

Elizaveta Bogacheva

St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology, Russian Federation

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